Our mission

We strive to reaffirm the foundational truths of Western civilization by delivering the transformative message of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Bible to children around the world. In an era increasingly marred by moral relativism and secular ideologies that erode the fabric of our societies, we are committed to restoring a sense of divine purpose, moral clarity, and spiritual strength. We seek to ignite a global revival by instilling in young hearts and minds the enduring principles of faith, discipline, and righteousness as prescribed by Scripture. Through dedicated outreach programs, educational initiatives, and community engagement, we aim to counteract the growing tide of secularism and ensure that the light of Christ shines brightly in every corner of the globe.

Our approach is rooted in the belief that by embedding biblical values into the next generation, we can safeguard the future of our communities and uphold the sanctity of our beliefs. We are driven by a sense of divine urgency and a commitment to protect and perpetuate our cultural and spiritual heritage against encroaching ideologies that seek to undermine it. We are resolute in our mission to bring the message of Jesus Christ to children everywhere, fostering a generation that understands and cherishes the transformative power of biblical teachings. By doing so, we aim to build a stronger, more virtuous world where the values of faith, integrity, and righteousness are upheld and celebrated.

A Minore Ad Maius

Founder & Pastor, Jack Mehoff

For over a decade, Pastor Mehoff had one-on-one prayer sessions with the children of his congregation to show off the love and affection of Jesus Christ and the Lord. In an effort to spread his love and message, the Mehoff Family Christian Foundation was founded to promote the word of the LORD to children anywhere and everywhere.